Category: Mental Health
Grief is a Blessing
There is something both beautiful and sorrowful when someone or something dies. Something spiritual lives on. Love persists and is a blessing. –Kitt O’Malley
Happy Father's Day to My Departed Father and to My Husband
Blessed with fond memories of my father, a loving father and grandfather. Grateful to have my husband, a loving and devoted father, by my side. That baby boy is now 6′ tall!
Sarah Fader Guest Post: ADHD & Career
For many years I could not hold a job. I did not know why because at the time I didn’t realize that I had ADHD. It is only one of my mental illnesses, and it is the condition that gets me fired from countless jobs. I have trouble with time management and finishing work and…
If the National Suicide Hotline puts you on hold, where else can you call?
Just updated my Mental Health Resources page, incorporating these crisis lines. Thank you, Hufsa Ahmad, for this excellent list of crisis hotlines. Crisis Lines National Suicide Prevention Lifeline 1-800-273-TALK (8255) Press 1, Veterans Crisis Line USA Press 2, Se Habla Español Chat with LifeLine Didi Hirsch’s Suicide Hotline (Southern California): 1-877-727-4747 International Suicide Prevention wiki Suicide…
Stigma of Invisible Disability
Recently read Work Ethic, a post by bpnurse, in which she discusses her life since she stopped working and went on Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI). People judge those of us with invisible disabilities. We even judge ourselves. Someone once asked me if I questioned the ethics of receiving disability. I explained that my disability…
Tears Quietly Roll
Now that I’ve taken care of the business of death, I no longer need to numb myself from the pain of loss. Now I cry. Softly. Quietly. The tears roll down my cheeks. I miss my dad. I really miss him.
Now Grief Feels Like Nothing
Unlike grief theories that propose defined stages, grief is not linear, nor is it universal. We grieve differently. Now I feel nothing. I’m numb. My psychologist describes it as “taking care of business,” reframing what I’m going through, my coping mechanism, in a positive way. Quoting MedlinePlus, NIH, U.S. National Library of Medicine at…