Bipolar is a Progressive, Organic Brain Disease. Medication Helps Stop Damage to Brain.

Excellent post summarizing research on the negative effect of bipolar disorder on the brain over time. Medication, lithium in particular, heals and protects the brain. Take your meds, folks. Mania is damaging.


8 responses to “Bipolar is a Progressive, Organic Brain Disease. Medication Helps Stop Damage to Brain.”

  1. I have had the exact same reaction. Scary. When I was first diagnosed, I freaked, fearing the worse.

  2. Whew! I was beginning to worry that my brain was seriously deteriorating even though I take medication. Perhaps me getting better over the last 3+ years is a sign of my brain healing. I really like the information you provide to your readers…

  3. Medication does actually heal and protect the brain. Brain scans support the healing effects of proper medication.

  4. This post is eye opening! I always knew that episodes could be damaging to the brain but I never thought that it is a progressive change, regardless of medication. Kind of frightening to think about, but knowledge is power!

  5. Sounds like a fascinating character study you are undertaking.

  6. Thanks for reblogging this. I’m currently researching schizophrenia–for my novel, not my own mental issues, which are clearly bipolar!–and I’m fascinated by how the brain works, and the comparisons/contrasts between that disease, my own bipolar disease, and other brain-degenerating diseases. Of course, what I’m really fascinated by is how people behave and think and feel when they have one of these diseases (not to mention how they behave in my novel, which always surprises me!).

  7. Great post with tons of valuable information.

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