Wednesday is the big day. Cleaning out the beach house.
Sunday evening I relaxed after spending the afternoon letting my husband grab his favorite tools from my father’s garage before Hughes Estate Sales takes everything not now in storage. After consulting with my sister, decided to move and store very little – the rest we will sell or donate to charity. No sense spending a bunch of money on packing, moving and storage.

Decorated my parents’ room at Silverado Memory Care with my mom’s favorite paintings and charcoals by Leon Derbyshire, Seattle-based family friend. Today I learned that my father took them down, confused thinking that they were in a hotel and had to pack up to leave. He asked that I put everything down in writing for him because he keeps forgetting.
My husband has had fun wearing one of my dad’s big straw hats. He insists that he met me years ago in the mid-80’s as I studied on the beach, and that he was intimidated by my father wearing a big straw hat and sunglasses as he stood on their second floor deck keeping a watchful eye on his daughter and her would-be suitor. My dad scared him off back then, but welcomed him in our life when I was thirty-one.


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