Love Hate

Just Plain Ol’ Vic dared me to take the Love/Hate Challenge to list ten things I love, ten things I hate, and then nominate ten bloggers to do the same. I pass on nominating ten bloggers, instead using the challenge as blog post fodder.

10 Things I Love

Thank you, God, for these blessings:

  1. My family: my husband & our teenaged son
  2. Our extended family, both mine & my husband’s
  3. Our dogs, Thumper & Coco
  4. My friends, both offline and online
  5. Leading a purposeful and meaningful life by loving others
  6. Roses, actually I’m a fan of flowers in general
  7. Sunsets, especially over the Pacific Ocean
  8. The Sierra Nevada mountain range. My husband and I married at Lake Tahoe, so the place holds a special place in my heart.
  9. Sonoma County where we bought our first home and our son was born
  10. San Francisco where I was born

10 Things I Hate

Having free will and being imperfect means that we humans do err; in fact, at times we sin greatly. I equally hate racism, sexism, homophobia, & mental health discrimination.

  1. Human Suffering
  2. War
  3. Human Rights Abuses
  4. Hatred
  5. Racism
  6. Sexism
  7. Homophobia
  8. Mental Health Stigma & Discrimination
  9. Environmental Degradation
  10. Housecleaning – Housecleaning is trivial compared to the other things on the list. I’m at home, so I should keep our home clean and organized. I guess what I really hate is my failure to attend to my housekeeping responsibilities.


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