World Bipolar Day – March 30 – Happy Birthday, Van Gogh!

World Bipolar Day March 30World Bipolar Day (WBD) will be celebrated each year on March 30th, the birthday of Vincent Van Gogh, who was posthumously diagnosed as probably having bipolar disorder. [I’m not so sure you can accurately diagnose a dead guy. But, hey, I love Van Gogh’s work, so I’ll gladly take him as a member of our tribe.]

Vincent Van Gogh Portrait de l'artiste en 1889 huile sur toile H. 0.65 ; L. 0.542 musée d'Orsay, Paris, France ©photo musée d'Orsay / rmn
Vincent Van Gogh, Portrait de l’artiste, en 1889
Musée d’Orsay, Paris, France
©photo Musée d’Orsay / rmn

The vision of WBD is to bring world awareness to bipolar disorders and eliminate social stigma. Through international collaboration the goal of World Bipolar Day is to bring the world population information about bipolar disorders that will educate and improve sensitivity towards the illness.

via World Bipolar Day – The International Society for Bipolar Disorders (ISBD).

World Bipolar Day was created by the Asian Network of Bipolar Disorder (ANBD), the International Bipolar Foundation (IBPF), and the International Society for Bipolar Disorders (ISBD).

Check out the WBD Facebook page (


15 responses to “World Bipolar Day – March 30 – Happy Birthday, Van Gogh!”

  1. Great Posting. Hope to read more from you!

  2. Oh I missed this post. Thank you for sharing this Kitt! It has important message and great to know there is WBD – should be celebrated annually as reminder 🙂 Best wishes.

  3. It was very cool and strange. A bit like us.

  4. I’m stealing graphics because I’m on my phone – slow and obsessive graphics creation occurs when I use my pc 🙂

  5. You are welcome.

  6. Honestly, I’m amazed at how you are able to produce so many. I obsess and take forever creating graphics.

  7. I saw it. Thank you. So thoughtful. You are my meme queen.

  8. No. That would be an interesting one. I bet I can dig it up online.

  9. Reblogged this on She Is Strong and commented:

    Today Is World Bipolar Day. Please check out these resources and help us to end the stigma associated with bipolar disorder today.

  10. Thank you for this Kitt! I didn’t know it was World Bipolar Day until I came on WordPress 🙂

  11. And to round my comments up to 3, here is another. I made you a little meme, it’s on my blog xx

  12. Reblogged this on blahpolar diaries and commented:

    My neighbour is Vincent van Gogh’s great great great great niece – I am not sure the number of greats is correct … 1890 till 1950something … I’ll have to ask her.

    So. WBD. Anything happening around and about it in your neck of the woods?

    Should someone be making cakes? 😉

    Kitt’s post is great – and enormously and exponentially more useful than mine lol.

  13. Great post – I totally agree about van Gogh. Did you see the episode of Dr Who about him?

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