So, up to last September, I copied and pasted blog posts into Scrivener with the intention of publishing them as a book. My old posts get lost in my archives. As I’ve mentioned before, Scrivener is a challenging writing software program, even for this lover of technology.
The brief introductory overview of my mental health journey is growing into a full blown memoir. Those old posts just can’t wait for me to write a full blown memoir. They want to get printed in ebook and paperback form now. They insist that I can work on the memoir once my mind is clear of them.
Though I have ancient history creating marketing collateral, websites, and newsletters, I have never formatted a book. Not only that, but for all its hype, I’m not loving Scrivener. I organized my posts and downloaded a draft ebook today to see what it looked like. Not horrible, but not what I want… At this point, I need to learn how to reformat the book.
Do I get those posts off my back and into print form? Do I focus on writing the memoir? I know that I can do both… but… I have to pace myself, prioritize my time, and focus my energy.
Wish me luck.
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