Tag: suffering

  • Gaping Maw

    I am a gaping maw – a wide open gaping maw of unending unquenchable need. I feel as if I ever opened that maw, if I ever asked for help, if I ever showed my true self, my need, my pain, it is so great that I would scare off others, so great that no…

  • Do We Have the Right to Die?

    Upon reading Try Harder with Your Mental Illness by Henrietta M Ross of The Triumphant Weed, I remembered a topic that has been on my mind lately—whether we have the right to die. Though I preach hope and advocate that people try treatment instead of taking their lives, I wonder whether it is reasonable to decide…

  • Holy Friday

    For those who do not believe in the value of religious mythology, I do. Whether or not the stories actually happened, whether or not they are literally true, they offer messages which are true. The meaning – the message – is what moves me. In Christianity, today is Good Friday or Holy Friday. Holy Friday commemorates the crucifixion…

  • Suffering and Meaning

    “Existential psychologist and Holocaust survivor Victor Frankl (1959), learned through his own direct experience of severe torture, suffering, and loss, that part of the essence of the human experience is our capacity to find meaning in living through tragedy. He said, ‘In some way, suffering ceases to be suffering at the moment it finds meaning’…