Thumper Update

Thumper Green Bandage
New Green Bandage

Thumper’s biopsy came back benign. No cancer! His toe is healing nicely and his stitches come out on Friday. Whew! He’s happy, and so are we.


26 responses to “Thumper Update”

  1. Good to hear– really good to hear. I will share with my husband.

  2. That is a wonderful experience your husband had during his higher education, it is very impressive. I have a strong faith with the current President, he is doing his strenuous efforts with the Palestinians to stop the war and bring peace and comfort. As for Syria, I am shocked and saddened.

  3. What an interesting experience to have as a young person growing up!!

  4. That’s great to hear– hope those changes occur. My husband was at ACU for his studies. He was trying to bridge the gap between the Americans and the Arabs. He definitely explored Egypt and much of Syria. Unfortunately many of the places he visited in Syria are now destroyed. But your comment is hopefull– at least for the different religions in Egypt.

  5. Yes. Egypt was very ahead of its time in the peace accords. The Copts are among the first Christians. I do hope that positive changes take place and that Egypt experiences peace and unity among its cultural and religious diversity. Egypt and other Middle Eastern countries have a treasure trove in archeology and in their ancient histories. The ancient Middle East is the birthplace of mathematics (our number system) and medicine.

  6. Yes. Arabia is and was an ally. Petrochemical engineers, like my father, were helping the Arab nation become wealthy. We learned Arabic in school, but I do not remember it. Unlike many of their contemporaries, my parents learned and spoke Arabic to Arabs. We were taught to respect the Muslim religion and Arab culture. At the same time, my parents taught us to be critical thinkers. I was thankful that as a woman, girl actually, I was American and had freedoms that Arab women did not.

  7. I am originally from Jerusalem, Israel. Egypt was the first Arab country to sign for a peace agreement. One of the best education Universities is The American Cairo University (ACU). With the current changes and their new president, he is going to bring the change and bring together all religions. Christianity, especially the Koptic church is very important in Cairo. It is one of the countries to visit and explore the archeology and history,

  8. Small world. My husband was living in Cairo and parts of Syria around the same time. He was trying to bridge the gap between the factions which, of course, was dangerous and pretty hopeless. But he studied Islam and Arabic and tried to interact but there was so much hatred on both sides he talked with. He was a frustrated social worker inside and now works with the poorest of the mentally ill in the Bronx. I bet you had many adventures and lessons in culture and religion, all priceless life lessons. I think Saudi Arabia may have been easier on Americans than Cairo and Syria.

  9. We lived in ARAMCO company compounds and wore western clothing, not Abaya. The Muslim women did, though. In the compounds, western culture was allowed (or over-looked). In fact, my parents like many other Americans, had a still in the closet and made alcohol and even once wine. There was a double standard. I lived there in the sixties. Times have changed. Perhaps.

  10. Oh wow. How did you survive Saudi Arabia. I cant imagine wearing Abaya in such a hot weather but it sure does protect them from sun. I am glad that you recovered with nothing more than a scar. Hope and pray u stay well always

  11. I’m a fair-skinned Irish-German American and lived under a scorching sun in Saudia Arabia and Southern California. We didn’t have sunscreen when I was a child. Skin cancer was almost inevitable. Mine was squamous cell, not melanoma. I’m just left with a scar and divot of flesh on my forearm. The price I have paid to play in the bright hot sun.

  12. Oh dear, you are a survivor ! Thank GOD thumper is doing well

  13. what a joy that brings us a happy day!!

  14. Yes, it is a relief. To think that my dog may have skin cancer was stressful. It’s bad enough that I’ve had it. My dog, too? Thank God, no.

  15. Awesome news for all!

  16. Glad to hear that. What a relief it must be for all of you !

  17. That’s good to hear Kitt. You must be so relieved.

  18. Hope you are well, Ellen. Thank you! Thumper and I are on the mend.

  19. So glad Thumper is okay and Happy Birthday– have been offline so missed a lot I guess. Sorry you had this worry but glad it came out okay with Thumper!

  20. YAY, YAY, YAY!!!!!! Happy day, despite the yucky, annoying cold ?

  21. So glad to hear it! He is such a cutie. Hope your cold is getting better, too, and happy belated birthday.

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