Author: Kitt O’Malley
Exhausted Again
As could be expected, I am exhausted. Have run out of juice. A couple (few?) weeks of hypomania and overstimulation, and now I’m dragging and headachey. Got what I wanted done today. Before I picked up my nephew at the airport late this afternoon, I uploaded a bunch of photos from my iCloud account to…
Brain Slog Today
Okay, now as the result of overstimulating myself into hypomania and over-work by obsessively and excessively engaging in social media and spreading myself too thin –> I’m totally exhausted, have a headache, and I’m experiencing serious BRAIN SLOG. That’s the only way I can now describe my seeming inability to do what I should be able…
Pregnancy, Breastfeeding, & Medication
This post is inspired by #medsandmotherhood week at STIGMAMA.COM, most specifically, this article: Pump and Dump, by Walker Karraa, PhD #medsandmotherhood. Before becoming pregnant with my son, I thoroughly surveyed the medical research about antidepressant use in pregnancy and during lactation. Since I had a history of severe depression and suicidal ideation dating back to…
Women, Stigma, and Mental Illness
Why is it that we as a society seem to accept depression in women more readily than other mental illnesses? We seem to find it acceptable when a woman harms herself, turns her pain, frustration, and anger inward; yet, should she lash out at those making demands of her, such as her children, she is seen as…
Crap, the Gondola Stopped
Okay, so it only stopped for a very short while, but it felt like forever. Riding the gondola downhill is definitely scarier than going uphill, especially because I had my son and husband as company on the way up. Solo ride down allows for more fear to creep in, especially when the wind picks up…
At the Summit
My birthday boy (14 years old) and my husband at the summit of Mammoth Mountain.