Category: What About God?

  • Wayfayers Chapel – Emanuel Swedenborg

    Emanuel Swedenborg (1688-1772): viewed God as infinitely loving and at the very center of our being, viewed human life as a continuous re-birthing as we participate in our own creation, viewed the Bible as a story of inner-life stages as we learn and grow, and had conviction that life continues following the transition we call…

  • Dear Kitt

    Kitt, you fuel your rage by seeing a psychoanalysist one to three times a week, exploring over and over how you had been abused as a child. You deepen your depression by studying psychodynamic theory in graduate school. Doing so defeats you and undermines your mental health. Yes, therapy will enable you to work through issues you have with…

  • Thank you, Mary Ann

    Thank you, Mary Ann Andrews, the creator the PillRite four week pill management system, for responding to my post about forgetting to take my medication by giving me a PillRite. Like many of us, Mary Ann Andrews struggles with a chronic illness requiring twice daily medication. Three weeks using the system, it has served me well. I can see my pills…

  • Where Am I Going Now?

    How do I describe myself? How do I best describe my blog? What has my blog become? What direction do I want to take it? What direction is my life taking? Is my writing taking? Is my (dare-say) art or photography taking? Back in the 90s when I registered my first corporate URL, I knew that…

  • Thank You

    Thank you everyone who supported me Saturday for NAMIWalks. I raised over $1,500. The team I walked with, the Stigma Smashers, raised over $9,000. Unfortunately, I started to feel weak and dizzy. Being fair-skinned and freckled, I am naturally sensitive to the sun and heat. My medication exacerbates my heat sensitivity. Saturday hit a high of 99°F in Irvine. I had…

  • Even an Electron has Purpose

    She closed her eyes. She paused. She took a deep breath, paused, meditated, waited to see where it would take her, where she would go, what she would feel. She felt a great deep pain, a yearning, a desperate yearning, a deep desperate yearning. Just that afternoon she was thinking, daydreaming, imagining herself pontificating, preaching,…

  • Language Frustrates Me

    I wrote this piece about thirty years ago when I was as an undergraduate. I used it as a writing sample when applying for jobs. *** Language frustrates me. Because of it, I think in distinctions; I draw lines where they do not in fact exist; I categorize and differentiate. All this I do to simplify,…

  • Why I #Homeschool

    I am not a cookie and bread-baking homeschooler, nor am I homeschooling for religious reasons. In fact, in spite of the fact that I have twice attended a multi-denominational Christian seminary, I remain a skeptical and questioning believer. No, I’m just a mom, trying her best, to find the right fit for her kid. Then,…

  • My Dad, the Hero

    When we lived in Saudi Arabia, there was a chemical leak at the refinery in Dhahran. The chemical when inhaled caused immediate paralysis of all body functions. Rather than risk anyone else’s life, my father inhaled deeply, climbed the ladder to the valve to close the leak, and on his way down gasped. At that…