My mother’s speech therapist (a great guy and excellent speech therapist) called me today so that I could participate in her speech therapy. Friday, when I first met with him and my parents, he told me to work with my mother daily. Afterwards, I freaked out, was bitchy and short-tempered with my husband and son, and finally called my sister who reminded me that I do not have to do what the speech therapist tells me to do. 
Tuesday when he called, I was too busy to join them. My son had school (or at least was scheduled to attend school, he got a migraine and stayed in bed). My father’s brother and sister were visiting from Chicago. And…I had psychotherapy (which I needed). So…I told him that I could not make it. 
He called again this morning. At first I agreed to meet him at my parents’ board and care. Then, I thought, no, I need to relax today. Tuesday was eventful. Wednesday, even more so. 
Yesterday I arranged for my son to Skype his morning class (I forget why he struggled yesterday. Each day is a new struggle.). Then I sat on the panel as a (former) mental health provider (I am a licensed Marriage and Family Therapist who maintains her license but hasn’t practiced psychotherapy for over two decades) to teach NAMI’s Provider Education course (teaching it every Wednesday afternoon this month through the first week of February). Then…I had dinner with my husband, aunt and uncle. VERY BUSY day for me. Social demands stress me. I needed to recuperate. 
Needing moral support, I talked to my son who agreed I should cancel (not his job to offer me moral support, but he was handy). He, after all, is sick again today, and he is my primary responsibility (yes, I know, I’m not his responsibility, but I need him to help out more now). So…I called the speech therapist back and told him I couldn’t participate in my mother’s speech therapy due to my need to take care of myself (as I have bipolar disorder) and my son (as he has chronic health issues). He was very understanding. Afterwards, I called my sister for congratulations which she enthusiastically gave me. Yay!


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