Refresh, Energize, and Rejuvenate

Daily Prompt – Re-springing Your Step: Tell us about the last experience you had that left you feeling fresh, energized, and rejuvenated. What was it that had such a positive effect on you?

Bath Tub, with tile surround and curtain

Honestly, the last experience I had that left me feeling fresh, energized, and rejuvenated was the last time I took a bath. Yes, it’s that simple. A bath. Enveloped by warm water. Warmth that may well be therapeutic, may alleviate feelings of social isolation. According to research by John A. Bargh and Idet Shalev:

“the physical-social warmth association may be a boon to the therapeutic treatment of syndromes that are mainly disorders of emotion regulation”

~ J Bargh, and I Shalev (2011). The substitutability of physical and social warmth in daily life. Emotion DOI: 10.1037/a0023527

Blue sky with clouds, lilac colored rose, sycamore tree blanches without leaves

Walks in which I notice natural beauty – the beauty of a flower, tree branches, or the sky – also leave me feeling fresh, energized, rejuvenated, and connected to something greater than myself -nature.

What strikes me is that both are really easy to do, yet I do not do them regularly. Bathe – feel fresh, energized, rejuvenated, and less alone. Walk – feel fresh, energized, and rejuvenated, and quite literally, grounded.

The question in mind is, when did I last do so? Did I take a warm bath yesterday? The day before? I do not recall. The last time I took a walk? I know that I did so over the holidays. Since then I’ve struggled with lingering stomach flu symptoms. Still, I could take a short walk. Look at the sky. Enjoy the beauty of a flower. Not to mention spend some quality time with my husband who with our two dogs eagerly awaits me to join him on a walk.

Perhaps today I will do both – walk and bathe. Now that’s an accomplishment.

UPDATE: Walk with husband, but no dogs: check (even took some photographs). Warm bath: check. Fresh, energized, and rejuvenated: check, check, and check.


23 responses to “Refresh, Energize, and Rejuvenate”

  1. Thank you for linking to this post!

  2. […] Re-Spring Your Step with Some Dog Walkin’ 91. INSPIRING MAX – Connecting With Naure 92. Refresh, Energize, and Rejuvenate – Kitt O’Malley 93. Knurpselknie – Verjüngungskur 94. It still has its magic for me – My Future By […]

  3. […] read Kitt’s post on this Blogging 101 assignment and could immediately relate to the freshness that comes from […]

  4. Enjoy! No doubt chilly for a walk this time of year in Canada.

  5. Both sound lovely.

  6. You’re right on both counts… I think at least I will take a warm bath… Diane

  7. I understand completely. No worries. We aren’t going anywhere…

  8. I think that’s why I like being in the hot tub/spa at the Y after swimming. The hot, hot water and jets. I’ll try to go for a walk today.

  9. Thank you! I have to get myself back over to your site. I can never keep up with all the reading I want to do.

  10. Okay you have motivated me to walk my dog tomorrow. You made it sound so wonderful I feel like I am missing some simple joy I can add to my life!

  11. Good for you for taking care of yourself. I have missed the blog world over the past few months. Glad to see you are doing well!

  12. I prefer to get my exercise with him in other ways! 😉

  13. You don’t like walking with your husband? Lucy, I know, is Cujo reincarnated. We still need to meet with a trainer for our dogs, but we’ve been waiting to get well first.

  14. Very proud of you doing both in one day, especially in light of the fact that you’ve had the tummy bug. Glad you are feeling refreshed! Both walks and baths restore me as well….as long as the walk is just me! 😉

  15. Yes, I did. I MUST put skin lotion on after a bath or shower, for I have extremely dry skin and live in a dry climate.

  16. Perhaps I screwed up. I didn’t actually read the Blogging 101 post all the way through. Another Daily Post email offered the prompt, so I just went with it. I’m a bit impulsive. Maybe I should read the Blogging 101 assignment all the way through…

  17. Went for a walk, took photos, and bathed after posting this piece. Now have to eat.

  18. taking a bath instead of a shower is such a wonderful act of self-care. I always put on a cream afterward or do a face mask, as an extra step to really force my mind to know that I’m showing it that I care about it (via doing something kind physically).

    I just came back from a much needed walk in the park with my boyfriend and puppy. We all needed it!

    I hope you enjoy both of your treats today. 🙂

  19. Seriously, walking and showering to me ARE big deals. I got a different prompt than this. I think I screwed up LOL. Oh well. I’m bipolar.

  20. Walks and baths are wonderful.

  21. Hope you afe feeling better! God bless, Ellen

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