Sometimes Taking a Bath is an Achievement


Sometimes simply taking a bath is a major achievement. Not quite sure when I last bathed or showered – Friday, perhaps? I really can’t recall.

Yesterday I actually exercised. Yes, that’s right, I exercised. Worked out with weights, used a treadmill for a couple of minutes (very little), and used an elliptical for several minutes. Not a huge workout – not enough to work up a sweat. But today I can feel it in my glutes and pecs. (Don’t I sound like a gym rat? I just call them my ass and chest.)

Anyway, this morning, after taking my son to the school, handling email and updating social media, I took a bath. Then I managed to go grocery shopping. In the afternoon, I took my son to his allergist for an immunological work-up. We have a lab requisition for a long list of tests. Once the lab results are complete, we return to the allergist to see the results and take the next step. Got to get my boy healthier so he doesn’t miss as much school next year.

By the way… I’m absolutely exhausted. Just spent.


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