Tag: Meaning

  • Who, Me, Dating?

    At age 30, Kitt O’Malley moved in with her parents after treatment for debilitating depression resulted in psychotic mania which left her unable to do her work as a licensed marriage and family therapist. She left her career aspirations behind, and she started seeing a psychiatrist and a therapist who treated her for what was still thought…

  • Kitt's Invented Platitudes

    Rarasaur’s Platitudes “But then… people learn.” “Everything’s gonna be okay. (Except when it’s not.) ((Except that’s okay, too.))” I think it is human nature to ascribe or find meaning to events in our lives. Sometimes platitudes makes us feel better. Sometimes worse. My Invented Platitude Nothing is always true, except when it is. The Platitudes…

  • Meaning of Life

    [youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-suvkwNYSQo] This is my response to Blahpolar Diaries‘ post Watch “Stephen Fry on God | The Meaning Of Life | RTÉ One” on YouTube. I love Stephen Fry, and I love his response. Why not the Greek gods? I really have no idea if divinity really exists. I do know that it is very…

  • Suffering and Meaning

    “Existential psychologist and Holocaust survivor Victor Frankl (1959), learned through his own direct experience of severe torture, suffering, and loss, that part of the essence of the human experience is our capacity to find meaning in living through tragedy. He said, ‘In some way, suffering ceases to be suffering at the moment it finds meaning’…