Thank You NAMI Walks Donors

NAMI Walks

Thank you to my wonderful generous NAMI Walks donors, all of whom I know and love: my friend Jonathan, my friend Kathleen, my sister Tracey and her husband Joseph, my parents, my Uncle Larry, and Dyane Harwood. There is still time to donate to NAMI. As you may recall from my previous post, I am participating in the 5K NAMI Walks 2014 campaign.


8 responses to “Thank You NAMI Walks Donors”

  1. Not necessary. Just wanted to send a special thanks to you for all of your support. You really are a great person.

  2. I really am grateful, flippyzipflop. Honestly, I will probably thank you more publicly to show my appreciation. Not sure when I will do so.

  3. I’m sorry. I don’t quite know how awards work or their purpose, but when I get them I pass them along to people who inspire me. I’m sorry. I didn’t realize you didn’t participate. You deserve it though.

  4. Thank you, but I no longer accept awards. In fact, I removed the Liebster and other award logos from my site recently. I do appreciate the nomination, though.

  5. I nominated you for the Leibster Award. You can find it on my page once I add the picture and post the post. 🙂

  6. I’m certainly not bringing my dogs, but Nick wants us to go out and walk them tonight. At least it’s cooler now.

  7. I am proud to know you and I’m proud to donate on your behalf for the 2014 NAMI 5K Walk!
    I’ll be walking alongside you in spirit. (Without “spirited” Lucy! 😉

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