Under the weather with a bug that has me achy, fatigued, nauseated, and dizzy. Hope that my physical health improves soon, for I have a big week ahead of me.


Annual Emerging Considerations in Maternal Mental Health Forum

Wednesday I have a Skype call scheduled with my friends and colleagues, Dyane Harwood of Birth of a New Brain and Walker Karraa, PhD of In February we will be representing at the Annual Emerging Considerations in Maternal Mental Health Forum. I look forward to seeing my friends’ faces via Skype on Wednesday and in person in February.


Thursday I am being interviewed by MHA of Orange County to volunteer as a Hearing Advocate:

HEARING ADVOCACY – Advocates fill a legally state mandated role to ensure that involuntarily detained persons in a psychiatric hospital have the opportunity to express their views regarding hospitalization, advocates support them through the process.  Advocates review patient’s charts, interview patients, and attend probable cause hearings with the patient.  Knowledge of mental illness is preferred.  2-4 hours per week, a 6 month commitment is needed.  Training is provided.


Since I am a mental health consumer and in my young adulthood worked as both a mental health provider and a legal assistant, this volunteer position may be a good fit. If the interview goes well, I will be shadowing a hearing advocate for a while to learn the ropes.


As I ask myself what purpose guides me as I pull content from my blog into Scrivener, I’m not so sure that I want to take on writing a book. Perhaps it is to create something else, not a memoir or rehashed blog, but an organized and cohesive call to action for mental health. This call to action need not be a book, perhaps blogging better suits me. Scrivener enables me to quickly and easily organize my blog writing, and possibly rewrite and repurpose old posts that still have merit.


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