Sending out a HUGE HUG and SHOUT OUT to Glenn2point0 who blogs at about his Opinions on Life, the Universe and Mental Things. He thanked me and our dear blogging friend Dyane Harwood of Birth of a New Brain | Healing from Postpartum Bipolar Disorder for being two of his most active blog followers. Glenn, THANK YOU. You are always supportive and understanding. Plus, through your words I can imagine myself Down Under (yes, folks, he’s in Australia).
This blog post of Glenn’s hits close to home, as I’ve been paring down the number of blogs I follow. Why follow a blog if I have no relationship with the blogger? If in real life, I care more about quality of friendship than quantity of friends, why not in my blogging life? I have a few true friends online. They I treasure.
Thank you again, Glenn2point0, for acknowledging our friendship and mutual support.
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