Writer’s Quote Wednesday – Kurt Vonnegut

Laughter and tears are both responses to frustration and exhaustion. I myself prefer to laugh, since there is less cleaning up to do afterward. ~ Kurt Vonnegut

I find laughter to be an excellent coping mechanism, lifting burdens from the heart, making light from darkness.

Thank you Colleen Chesebro at SilverThreading.com for organizing Writer’s Quote Wednesday 2015. This week Colleen quotes Dame Maggie Smith, in character as the Dowager Countess of Grantham:

“A lack of compassion can be as vulgar as an excess of tears,” said to Lady Mary, in regard to Lady Edith on the recent loss of her boyfriend, Michael Gregson…

Compassion seems to be the one thing that is lacking in our world today.  However, there seems to be a great amount of drama and tears prevalent instead.  I have always thought it best to have some of both and follow a middle path.

Writer's Quote Wednesday 2015

In keeping with the theme of Colleen Chesebro‘s quote, I want let you know about 1000 Voices Speak for Compassion (#1000speak) on Friday, February 20, 2015. Please join us. Learn more about #1000speak for Compassion on Facebook at facebook.com/1000VoicesSpeak and on the #1000speak for Compassion blog at 1000speak.wordpress.com. I plan to write a blog post about showing compassion for children, for preventing the trauma of child abuse.

02/20/15 #1000speak 1000 Voices Speak for Compassion


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