Blogging 201 Goals

Our first assignment in Blogging 201 is to write three concrete goals. Here are mine:

  1. Write at least once a week
  2. Gain new readers each week
  3. Maintain mutually supportive online relationships with my readers

Q: Why do you blog?
A: Get thoughts out of my head and onto the page. Educate. Advocate. Fight ignorance, stereotypes, and stigma. Support and be supported. Be in community with other mental health bloggers, advocates, consumers, family members, professionals, and policy makers.

Q: If your blog exceeded your wildest dreams, what would that look like?
A: I have exceeded my expectations, for I had no expectations. Without doubt, I want to write at least once a week. I would like to reach a larger audience and to make a bigger difference, but I am happy with the community I now have. I have had to cut back on my reading of many other wonderful blogs, for my time and energy are limited. That I regret. I can only give so much, can only do so much. If I could speak publicly and still maintain my mental health, I would like to do so.


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