WebMD Video: Kitt O'Malley on Self-Care & Acceptance of Bipolar
Edited image from https://www.webmd.com/bipolar-disorder/video/video-bipolar-acceptance

Thank you, Alan Smith, of Creative Cabin Studios, for filming me about self-care and acceptance of living with bipolar for WebMD. Alan’s videography is stunning.

Check out the video on WebMD at https://www.webmd.com/bipolar-disorder/video/video-bipolar-acceptance


9 responses to “Self-Care and Acceptance of Bipolar on WebMD”

  1. […] post Self-Care and Acceptance of Bipolar on WebMD appeared first on Kitt […]

  2. Thank you, Ellen. I have been neglecting my blog.

  3. Thank you! I haven’t checked my comments since August!

  4. Kitt, You are not going to believe this but I was going to write you tonight. Have seen your name pop up on LinkedIn but I don’t follow that. I also visited my book site on Amazon and saw your review and felt so grateful. I have a troll who left a one star review. So your review means and meant so much to me I wanted to see what you were up to. And then I found all those likes from you on my blog so here I am writing to you. I bought your new book and now just have to get Kindle to read it which I will do. You seem great! I am sure you have your troubles but you sound good. I will tour your blog. Thank you for all the likes of my art and again for the review. Take good care, Ellen .

  5. Kitt, THANK YOU, this was just so on-point!! As someone else with bipolar, it was just so helpful.

  6. Great film! You covered it all. Thank you from all of us Bipolars.

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