Author: Kitt O’Malley
Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award
Finding Your Inner Happiness recommended me for the Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award. Thank you so much, Finding Your Inner Happiness! Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award recognizes women bloggers from all around the world. There is no pressure to accept the award. The rules for the Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award are as follows: Thank the person who…
Thought Wisps
F*ck what was I thinking? Cannot recall. Had a thought or perhaps even more than one. Something to write for my blog. Now I’m drawing a blank. My mind cannot hold onto thoughts for very long. They slip away. Slip away. Wisps. The thought had to do with removing my MFT license from my description for…
Dragging My Knuckles
Yesterday saw my nephew off at the airport. Now I’m dragging my knuckles on the ground. Head aches. Fatigued. Basically, I’m drained. Have group later this afternoon. Psychiatrist’s psychotherapy group members decided to take July off. Not sure how many will actually show up this afternoon. So now I have group therapy on Tuesday afternoon and…
Review of Eye-locks and Other Fearsome Things: Learning to Love as a Bipolar Aspie
I greatly enjoyed reading and highly recommend Ellen Stockdale Wolfe’s autobiographical story of love alongside psychological and neurological growth: Eye-locks and Other Fearsome Things: Learning to Love as a Bipolar Aspie. In her memoir, Ms. Stockdale Wolfe writes of her struggle with Asperger’s and Bipolar Disorder with psychotic features. Her autobiography traces her growth in her ability to love deeply and…
Why Being a Hermit Doesn’t Work
Research shows that support groups improve outcomes. Great article summarizing the research. Thanks, WiL (Writing into the Light)
WordPress Followers range from active to silent
Sending out a HUGE HUG and SHOUT OUT to Glenn2point0 who blogs at about his Opinions on Life, the Universe and Mental Things. He thanked me and our dear blogging friend Dyane Harwood of Birth of a New Brain | Healing from Postpartum Bipolar Disorder for being two of his most active blog followers. Glenn,…
Sh*t Forgot My Meds Last Night
Last night, in the midst of a change in routine, I forgot to take my night-time medication. When I saw that my pill-box still contained last night’s medication this morning, I took a partial night-time dose of divalproex sodium this morning. My current night-time dos is 1000 mg. This morning I took 750 mg; one…