Category: Health
The Benefits of Laughter
Thank you, Melissa Garzon, MD (medical school in Columbia – yes, she, like Sofía Vergara is a sexy, educated, and intelligent Columbian – how cool is that!), MPH (Master of Public Health from UC Berkeley – where I got my BA), for creating this great infographic. I just LOVE Melissa. She laughs at my jokes. Not…
Refresh, Energize, and Rejuvenate
Daily Prompt – Re-springing Your Step: Tell us about the last experience you had that left you feeling fresh, energized, and rejuvenated. What was it that had such a positive effect on you? Honestly, the last experience I had that left me feeling fresh, energized, and rejuvenated was the last time I took a bath. Yes, it’s…
This Flu Really Sucks
My husband, son and I are sick with a flu that has lingered, waxing and waning since before Christmas. Now it has hit my son and me particularly hard. My husband has been dragging himself to work in spite of continued symptoms. To top it off, my laptop is sick with malware, so it has…
Bipolar Network News
Today I quote the fabulous Bipolar Network News, 6th issue, 2014. The Bipolar Network News keeps track of the latest research on bipolar disorder and its treatment and summarizes it for you. How awesome is that?! I highly recommend visiting their website and signing up for their newsletter. Thank you, Bipolar Network News! In this issue Positive Traits in Bipolar…
Christmas Day
So here I am on Christmas Day, at a loss for words. Recently I’ve been posting simple holiday sentiments on graphic images and content I’ve copied and pasted from year-end emails sent to me from NAMI and NIMH, or – in the case of To Conform or Not to Conform – content I wrote and posted earlier.…
Effective Online Advocacy
WEGO Health slide show prepared by Amanda: A Health Activist’s Guide to Effective Online Advocacy [slideshare id=8114054&doc=ahealthactivistsguideto-110526114149-phpapp01] Text transcript for those who cannot see the slides: A Health Activist’s Guide to… Effective Online Advocacy! Tips for being an awesome online health leader>> Be Yourself: It may go without saying but – you are unique. Your perspective, personality,…
My Son’s Heroes
My mother lives with lymphoma and my mother-in-law lives with multiple sclerosis. My son considers them his heroes, for they are strong women who do not let their illnesses defeat them. I, too, find them courageous and greatly respect them. Here is content from the Lymphoma Research Foundation‘s page on Coping with Lymphoma During the Holidays.…
Bipolar is a Progressive, Organic Brain Disease. Medication Helps Stop Damage to Brain.
Excellent post summarizing research on the negative effect of bipolar disorder on the brain over time. Medication, lithium in particular, heals and protects the brain. Take your meds, folks. Mania is damaging.
Brain is a Brain
When I was visiting with my father to celebrate Thanksgiving, he asked me why what he suffers – dementia, a memory disorder, a neurological disorder – is any different than what I have – bipolar disorder, a mental illness, a psychiatric disorder? Why these distinctions? Why is stigma attached to one and not another? Why do so many…