Category: Mindfulness
Kitt's Invented Platitudes
Rarasaur’s Platitudes “But then… people learn.” “Everything’s gonna be okay. (Except when it’s not.) ((Except that’s okay, too.))” I think it is human nature to ascribe or find meaning to events in our lives. Sometimes platitudes makes us feel better. Sometimes worse. My Invented Platitude Nothing is always true, except when it is. The Platitudes…
Wayfayers Chapel – Emanuel Swedenborg
Emanuel Swedenborg (1688-1772): viewed God as infinitely loving and at the very center of our being, viewed human life as a continuous re-birthing as we participate in our own creation, viewed the Bible as a story of inner-life stages as we learn and grow, and had conviction that life continues following the transition we call…
Even an Electron has Purpose
She closed her eyes. She paused. She took a deep breath, paused, meditated, waited to see where it would take her, where she would go, what she would feel. She felt a great deep pain, a yearning, a desperate yearning, a deep desperate yearning. Just that afternoon she was thinking, daydreaming, imagining herself pontificating, preaching,…
The Bipolar Parent – Q&A with Kitt O’Malley
La Sabrosona of my spanglish familia interviewed me about parenting while living with bipolar disorder. Here is the interview:
Reconciling the Past and Staying in the Present
Amy Gambles piece on Reconciling the Past and Staying in the Present resonated with my experience. I often feel like I have fallen down from up high, and am less of a person than I once was. But I was not a star fixed in the sky; instead, I shot high, quickly achieving goals by…
Pink Hibiscus with Water Drops
Broken Light Collective, an online photography gallery for people affected by mental illness, published my photograph. I am honored.