Category: What About God?

  • Eric Arauz

    [vimeo 86542977 w=500 h=281] Eric Arauz How Written and Oral Storytelling Saved MY Life 2-12-14 8.58 AM from International Bipolar Foundation on Vimeo. Sunday I was particularly impressed by Eric Arauz‘s presentation on Conscious Storytelling. He gave us each a copy of his autobiography, An American’s Resurrection: My Pilgrimage from Child Abuse and Mental Illness…

  • NIMH · Atonement

    In his blog post entitled Atonement, Thomas Insel, MD, Director of the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), calls for humility: So this year on Mental Illness Awareness Week, my call is for humility. We need to be aware that mental disorders are immensely complex—too complex for scientists, clinicians, patients, or families to solve alone. Prevention, recovery,…

  • Happy Anniversary!

    WordPress just wished me a Happy Anniversary! Today is my one year anniversary blogging. Hurray! The process of blogging, of writing, of networking with other writers both in “real life” and online has shaped me over this past year. I now feel intellectually engaged, emotionally supported, purposeful and hopeful. Yes, hopeful. That is HUGE. I…

  • HeForShe 2014

    UN Women Global Goodwill Ambassador, Emma Watson, delivered this powerful speech (transcript here) on September 20, 2014 for the HeForShe Special Event at United Nations Headquarters in New York. Take action, visit: Emma Watson pointed out that sexism not only hurts women, it hurts men. Men often do not reach out for mental health services…

  • Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT)

    The idea behind DBT, which I have never done as a therapist nor as a patient until I attended NAMI Peer-to-Peer Recovery Education Program ©, is to hold opposing ideas together to learn acceptance and more nuanced thinking as opposed to black and white thinking. Marsha Linehan, PhD developed DBT. According to The Linehan Institute: The…

  • The Bipolar Blogger Network

    Thank you, Raeyn, for adding my blog to the Bipolar Blogger Network. Please visit the Bipolar Blogger Network and check out their feed of member blogs under the Read Along menu header. What a wonderful way to find and network with other bipolar bloggers! The Bipolar Blogger Network is the brainchild of a couple of friends bemused by the…

  • Fight Cancer

    Time to give a shout out to both the American Cancer Society at and the Lymphoma Research Foundation at Like many families, our family has been touched by cancer. Dearly loved ones have fought and are fighting cancer. We support both the American Cancer Society and the Lymphoma Research Foundation. Please consider supporting the work they do,…

  • Why Do I Write? Kitt O’Malley

    Why Do I Write? Kitt O’Malley. First published September 8, 2014 on * I write for I am more than a mother and a wife. I am a writer. I write for I must. I write to keep my brain from atrophying. I write to capture those speeding thoughts. I write to pull myself…

  • The Boundaries of Love

    Laura Droege’s piece, “The Boundaries of Love,” is so insightful that I must reblog the post to share it with you. My personal boundaries can be at times poor and permeable, so I would do well to heed her wise words: “Loving others strikes a balance of sorts. We neither identify with other’s pain to…

  • Thank you, Kate and Tempest

    Yesterday I received two awards which I am not accepting. Thank you Kate of and Tempest Rose of for nominating me. I really do appreciate their support, both in nominating me and in being a part of the mutually supportive mental health blogosphere. Together we help each other, together we educate others, and together we fight stigma. Go check them out,…