Search results for: “bipolar”
I’m Sick & Had to Cancel
I am SO disappointed. Woke up this morning with gastroenteritis. Not able to go on my trip to the San Franciscod Bay Area. Not able to be interviewed for Rebecca Gitenstein’s study on mothers with bipolar disorder. Not able to meet up with my old friends from high school. Not able to meet my friend and…
Bay Area Here I Come!
This weekend I’m going up to the San Francisco Bay Area so that Rebecca Gitenstein can interview me at The Wright Institute for her doctoral study on mothers with bipolar disorder. What do you know – I’m a mother and I have bipolar disorder. PLUS – The Wright Institute is in Berkeley. Seeing Rebecca in person gives me…
Thank You, Sandy Sue
Thank you, Sandy Sue of A Mind Divided, for this AWESOME card. I love it. Check out her work at SandySueAltered Etsy Shop. She creates “collage and mixed-media greeting cards for the odd and slightly bent.”
Springtime can trigger seasonal affective disorder (SAD) in both those with depression and bipolar disorder. For those of us with bipolar disorder, SAD can trigger mania and hypomania. The stressors of these changes contributed to my psychiatric hospitalization a decade ago. As spring has approached and the days have lengthened, I have had mild symptoms of hypomania, including insomnia, which I addressed with my…
Survey Says…
Long time in coming… below more emotionally substantive content are the results of the survey I took in mid-February. First of all, my first reaction to being asked to take a survey is a curt “No” then an abrupt disconnect. That said, I finally decided to figure out where and what the results were. Quite…
Online Support Resources
Recently, I have come across people who live in rural areas without adequate mental health resources or live outside the US and do not have the access to mental health resources that the US or some other countries may offer. Quite honestly, I am fairly ignorant of resources outside the US and cannot claim expertise…
Best Parents We Can Be
Friday, February 20, my #1000speak for Compassion post will address the trauma of child abuse and neglect, and specifically address the potential trauma of having a mentally ill parent. As a parent living with mental illness who strives to be the best parent I can be, I am sharing Mental Health America‘s excellent Parenting advice from Parenting Be the Best…
This Is My Brave Now – A Guest Post by Kitt O’Malley
Thank you, Jennifer Marshall for featuring my guest post on This is My Brave: This Is My Brave Now – A Guest Post by Kitt O’Malley. This is My Brave as I write these words. This is My Brave as I blog about living with bipolar disorder. This is My Brave as I use social media to…
NAMI Provider Education – Week Three
Saturday I attended the third class of NAMI’s Provider Education. Here I summarize, paraphrase, and quote the handouts from the NAMI Provider Education Course Participant Manual 2013. In the third week course we learned about the cascade of secondary traumas which occur when a family is left to cope with mental illness alone. Kitt’s Note: Stage…
Ten Year Anniversary of Hospitalization
Ten years ago, two weeks preceding and including Valentine’s Day, I was hospitalized. Twenty years ago, I experienced a psychotic break during the same season: this season – the season of Lent. Though I do not attend church, this season moves me deeply. I could write more about seasonal affective disorder and how those of…