Search results for: “bipolar”
IBPF West Coast Meeting
This Sunday, November 9, I will be attending the Consumer Track of the First Annual West Coast Meeting of the International Bipolar Foundation in Anaheim, CA. To register, go here and choose: Consumer Rate – IBPF Meeting ONLY: $25.00 (Consumer Track Agenda) Regular Rate – 1-Day IBPF Meeting ONLY: $99.00 (Clinician Agenda) Regular Rate – Early Bird…
IBPF #MakeSomeoneHappy Challenge!
[youtube=] No doubt it is absurd to think that donning a red nose may lift someone out of bipolar depression, but perhaps it will bring a smile to someone’s face. Maybe someone will hear that they are not alone, that others are out there fighting bipolar disorder. I am participating in the #MakeSomeoneHappy Challenge on behalf of the International Bipolar Foundation (IBPF). Follow and/or…
Inequalities and Mental Health: Blog Action Day
Video about #MentalIllness and #Inequality reposted from the blog of Bipolar, Unemployed, and Lost ( for #BlogActionDay.
Excited or Overstimulated?
Volunteer training shadowing a Hearing Advocate last Friday either excited or overstimulated me. There can be a fine line between the two. Since then I’ve had trouble slowing down and turning off, and found myself glued to laptop, tablet, or iPhone until past my bedtime. I’ve resorted to taking clonazepam to turn off my brain and fall asleep.…
So….who are you?
As I begin my training as a Hearing Advocate for those involuntarily hospitalized, I found this post timely. Finding My Sunshine is a mother, wife and PhD student living with Bipolar disorder. In this post, she describes her experience with involuntary hospitalization and multiple ECT sessions administered while prescribed Lithium, resulting in severe memory loss.…
I Loved It! ~ Patients Rights Advocacy
Loved shadowing an MHA Hearing Advocate earlier today. Look forward to learning more. Great opportunity for me to make use of my experience having been psychiatrically hospitalized for bipolar disorder (albeit voluntarily), while dusting off old knowledge and skills from my education and the careers of my early adulthood. After all, I have a BA…
Mental Illness Awareness Week #MIAW #B4Stage4
Facts listed on this infographic from Get Screened, America! 125,000 screens since the launch of in May 2014 66% screened positive for moderate to severe anxiety, depression, bipolar disorder, or PTSD… and 64% of them had never been diagnosed. 44% said they would discuss results with someone. Stay healthy. Take a screen, and talk to…
This Upcoming Week
SICK Under the weather with a bug that has me achy, fatigued, nauseated, and dizzy. Hope that my physical health improves soon, for I have a big week ahead of me. SKYPE CALL WEDNESDAY Wednesday I have a Skype call scheduled with my friends and colleagues, Dyane Harwood of Birth of a New Brain and Walker…