Tag: goals
New Year's Resolutions
Love more Worry less Exercise more Eat better Laugh more Stay stable Finish my memoir
Fingers Moving, Fingers Typing
Fingers need to move nervous energy prompts them to keep busy Just as my thoughts my mind will not be silent My fingers will not be still so I play Solitaire or now type I imagine myself crocheting as I did long ago as a young girl Used to crochet needlepoint embroider and sew Used…
Blogging 201: My Three Goals
Our first assignment in Blogging 201 is to write three concrete goals. Here are mine: Write at least once a week Gain new readers each week Maintain mutually supportive online relationships with my readers Q: Why do you blog? A: Get thoughts out of my head and onto the page. Educate. Advocate. Fight ignorance, stereotypes, and stigma.…
As a Child
As a child I wanted to be a doctor To cure people of disease As a teen I wanted to be a neurosurgeon To fix brains with a scalpel As a young woman I became a psychotherapist To fix troubled youth with broken lives With the exchange of spoken words I kept falling apart My…
Found Notes
Recently found some notes I jotted down while attending a workshop at The Gathering on Mental Health and the Church at Saddleback Church. Here they are: Enjoy speaking to individuals and small groups. Anxious when hear mental health professionals discussing mental health crisis intervention. PTSD for me. Difficult past experience. Do not want to go back…