Tag: pain
I Don’t Allow My Façade to Slip
I don’t allow my façade to slip I don’t allow myself to cry I fear what I hide behind My façade of functionality I hide my heart I hide my pain I wear armor To protect myself I fear what will happen If I allow myself to cry What will happen If I allow myself…
Gaping Maw
I am a gaping maw – a wide open gaping maw of unending unquenchable need. I feel as if I ever opened that maw, if I ever asked for help, if I ever showed my true self, my need, my pain, it is so great that I would scare off others, so great that no…
Do We Have the Right to Die?
Upon reading Try Harder with Your Mental Illness by Henrietta M Ross of The Triumphant Weed, I remembered a topic that has been on my mind lately—whether we have the right to die. Though I preach hope and advocate that people try treatment instead of taking their lives, I wonder whether it is reasonable to decide…
Finally, I Cry
Monday, I joined my mother for music therapy after which I told her I had to take my son to school. I had a few hours before his class began, but I needed a break. Tuesday, I didn’t visit either of my parents. I cared only for my son and myself. Today I sit…
Grief, Anxiety, and Hypomania
So what brought on this flurry of activity, this bout of defensive hypomania, the birth of this blog at this point in time? Two things: one, I forgot to take valproic acid Thursday night, and, two, my grief in facing my father-in-law’s health crisis. Writing is one way I can deal with my grief, the…