Category: Family
Happy Anniversary to
I’ve been blogging for three years! Yay! Hope to do more writing. Hands full this week caring for my son. He’s going through a rough patch. His migraine medication (anti-seizure medication topiramate aka Topamax) interferes with his memory and cognition (why it’s nicknamed “Dopamax”), making it challenging for him to read, complete his homework, or…
I remember when I was seven years old – the day I turned seven. We, my sister and I, were staying at the Hans Brinker Inn in the Netherlands as our parents enjoyed two weeks in Paris. I was furious with my parents for having abandoned us for those two weeks. At Hans Brinker every…
The Rebel and His Mother
The Rebel When my son was a preschooler in daycare His class had a field trip to the local In ‘N Out As we walked back to the daycare center My son held my hand We walked in pairs down the sidewalk His daycare teacher said Everyone stay on sidewalk Do not step into the…
MHA Infographic: Things Adults Say That Hurt Instead of Help
Sharing this from Infographic: Things Adults Say That Hurt Instead of Help
Folie à Deux
I Am My Mother Caveat: Please understand that delusional thought processes are SYMPTOMS of mental illness. I feel compassion, even as I feel pain and anger as someone negatively affected by parental delusional thoughts. I, too, have experienced delusional thoughts and bizarre impulses. I’m heir to familial mental illness. I get it. With great trepidation…
Flight Back Home
Friday, July 15th Last Saturday, the day after we returned from Oregon, my mother was psychiatrically hospitalized for the third time since her stroke last November. Yesterday morning, I met with the treatment team at her psychiatric hospital. They do not think she needs long-term psychiatric placement. They believe her memory care community is the best…
Bad Mom – Spoken Word for Tha.Speakeasy
Old post, but always relevant for those of us who parent while human.
Arm's Length
My psychiatrist has asked me numerous times how my sister has handled my parents differently than I have? How has she protected herself? How has she kept herself from being so enmeshed in the family dynamic? The answer is that my sister says no. She keeps my parents at arm’s length. She didn’t answer the…
Writing on a Plane
Travel Journal from Las Vegas to Portland On my way, our way, to Oregon to visit family. Tonight driving out to the coast to stay at the Adobe. Tomorrow Jennifer is visiting from Australia. BBQ at in-laws to celebrate and to meet her new boyfriend. Will then have to stay in Newport at the Shilo…
I Got Out of the House This Week!
My major achievement this week was to get out of the house TWICE for ME – not just driving my son to and from school or caring for my parents. Monday: OC Writers Write-In Monday I attended an OC Writers write-in where I wrote 3282 words freely. The words need editing. They need shape. They possibly need to be…