Category: Mental Health
Exhausted While Bipolar
Recently I’ve been totally overwhelmed and exhausted. A virus almost took my mother’s life. Thank God she survived. Loving someone who is struggling for their life is hard. Really hard. I, too, was sick and avoided seeing my mother until she got so sick that cross-contamination was no longer an issue. Now, I’m still recovering,…
Lynn Nanos Guest Post: Revolving Door of the Mental Health System
Thank you, Lynn Nanos, LICSW, author of Breakdown: A Clinician’s Experience in a Broken System of Emergency Psychiatry, for this guest post. As a mobile emergency psychiatric social worker in Massachusetts, I evaluate many patients who have learned that getting psychiatrically hospitalized is more likely when they don’t take their medication and attend psychotherapy sessions.…
Funneling Exercise: Admired and Called
Characteristics I admire: Compassion, Creativity, Bravery, Love, Intelligence
Memory: A Poem
Not too good with time Past, Present, Future My mind erases what is not in front of me. Too many other thoughts and concerns competing for my attention. -Kitt O’Malley
Recovering from Hypomania
Recovering from hypomania and fatigue. Need to relax, slow down, and heal.
Creative Writing Prompt: Rainstorm
I Prompt for first creative writing class: RAINSTORM Rainstorm The torrential rain kept her awake. She couldn’t sleep. Wasn’t rain supposed to be relaxing? What was it that disturbed her? Why could she not sleep? The rain didn’t lull her, it irritated her. Reminded her that all was not well. The hills may slide. The…
2019 Goals
Christmas 2018 Christmas was both beautiful and bittersweet. We spent the holiday among snow covered ponderosa pines with close family, dearly missing our recently departed father. 2019 Goals Time for me to get up out of bed, take better care of myself, and accomplish some goals. Revising My Book As I’ve mentioned in my previous…
I've Been Quiet Lately
I’ve been quiet lately. Out of commission. Taking it easy. This holiday season brings tough firsts. First Thanksgiving since my father died in April. First Christmas coming up. My sister and I plan to remember him and observe our family Christmas traditions. We need each other. We miss our dad. Seasonal affective disorder hit hard,…