Category: Blogging
Yesterday got my four year anniversary notification from Still copying and pasting posts into Scrivener for eventual publication as a book. Not all posts will make the cut. Plan to begin with a narrative of my mental health journey starting at eighteen, then chronologically publish my posts that speak from my heart. That’s how…
Organizing in Scrivener #amwriting
Right now I’m writing in WordPress online. I write using whatever is handy — WordPress, Word, Google Docs, Pages on my iPad, emails to myself, even paper and journals (unfortunately, I cannot read my handwriting and I type faster). When I first purchased Scrivener, I either copied and pasted or imported my blog posts from…
Featured Blogger: Kitt O’Malley – Art by Rob Goldstein
Thank you, Robert Goldstein, for featuring me on Art by Rob Goldstein as his November featured blogger. The original interview is posted at: Here I reprint it. This month’s featured blogger is writer and Mental Health Advocate Kitt O’Malley. In this interview we talk about internalized stigma, learning to accept and taking up the challenge of…
Happy Anniversary to
I’ve been blogging for three years! Yay! Hope to do more writing. Hands full this week caring for my son. He’s going through a rough patch. His migraine medication (anti-seizure medication topiramate aka Topamax) interferes with his memory and cognition (why it’s nicknamed “Dopamax”), making it challenging for him to read, complete his homework, or…
I Miss My Old Blogging Friends
I wrote the following post last year. Still applies. Now I’m busy with caregiving. My responsibilities have grown. My focus has changed. Now I blog less about living with bipolar and more about caregiving. Still, I do not have enough time to read and comment on all the wonderful blogs out there. On top of…
Kitt's New Media Kit
Getting ready for BlogHer16 I set up a new Media kit page. Noticed that my statistics have fallen this year. Yes, 2016 is not over. Still, it is more than half over, and I’m at lower than half the views I had last year. I know I’ve been busy with caregiving. I’m blogging more about it and less about…
A Litany of Slightest Madness
Source: A Litany of Slightest Madness, by Beleaguered Servant I have no idea what I just wrote… I’ve always seen what isn’t there, And so, I’m under doctor’s care; For through my window eyes I see Far, far beyond reality I see the workings of your heart, How love leaks out in midnight drips; And how…
Mother's Day Guilt
Journal – Saturday, May 7, 2016 So here I am once again typing. Still fatigued. In bed. Nick is gathering laundry. I’m lucky to have a husband who will do laundry. Looking forward to a simple breakfast of Cheerios and banana and a strong cup of coffee. Nick’s going to make me breakfast and coffee…
Journal Writing
Saturday, March 5, 2016 Here I am at my parents’ house writing. Not necessarily for my blog, though I did save this to my blog writing folder on my hard drive. No, I’m free-writing for myself. Journaling. In the traditional sense. To ease my anxiety. To use some of the energy that my cup of…