Category: Blogging
About Me and This Blog
Blogging can affect both personal and social change. I started blogging because the thoughts and words in my mind simply had to get out. I hope this blog offers support, educates, and fights stigma. Though I am a minivan-driving wife and mother, unlike most of my suburban neighbors, I live with bipolar disorder. My Story,…
Have I Lost My Blogging Friends?
So I’ve been busy, much busier than usual, in my real life, interacting with people in the flesh, which overstimulates me, so I haven’t been reading and commenting on other blog posts like I usually do, like I used to do. The posts I published Wednesday received few comments. I wonder, is it because I have let…
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Blogging 201 Assignments
Copying and pasting the course outline and class hyperlinks helps me get a better handle on the material (or maybe I’m just avoiding doing the work). Today’s assignment was to analyze our blog’s statistics to create a thirty-day editorial calendar. I’ve poked around my statistics, but haven’t gained significant insights or come up with an editorial plan…
Blogging 201: My Three Goals
Our first assignment in Blogging 201 is to write three concrete goals. Here are mine: Write at least once a week Gain new readers each week Maintain mutually supportive online relationships with my readers Q: Why do you blog? A: Get thoughts out of my head and onto the page. Educate. Advocate. Fight ignorance, stereotypes, and stigma.…
Happy Anniversary!
WordPress just wished me a Happy Anniversary! Today is my one year anniversary blogging. Hurray! The process of blogging, of writing, of networking with other writers both in “real life” and online has shaped me over this past year. I now feel intellectually engaged, emotionally supported, purposeful and hopeful. Yes, hopeful. That is HUGE. I…
As a Child
As a child I wanted to be a doctor To cure people of disease As a teen I wanted to be a neurosurgeon To fix brains with a scalpel As a young woman I became a psychotherapist To fix troubled youth with broken lives With the exchange of spoken words I kept falling apart My…
WordPress Followers range from active to silent
Sending out a HUGE HUG and SHOUT OUT to Glenn2point0 who blogs at about his Opinions on Life, the Universe and Mental Things. He thanked me and our dear blogging friend Dyane Harwood of Birth of a New Brain | Healing from Postpartum Bipolar Disorder for being two of his most active blog followers. Glenn,…