Living with mental illness while parenting a child with chronic health issues is a balancing act. When my son was very young, I tried working as well, and ended up hospitalized. I could only juggle so many roles. Recently I’ve been…
My Response to Laura A. Lord‘s Of Roots and Wreckage Answering the call of Laura Lord’s poetry I write not as a poet For I have not Lord’s skill nor gift But in response to her words moving mine That, in…
Petal and Mortar read my post Stress Makes You Social about Kelly McGonigal’s TED Talk entitled How to Make Stress Your Friend and let me know about her post Friday Inspiration about Kelly’s twin sister Jane McGonigal’s TED Talk on…
[wpvideo 1zo4fSXK] Your belief about stress, about whether or not it is harmful to your health, determines its effect on your health. When you change your mind about stress, you can change your body’s response to stress. [I]n a typical…
I have SIBO (small intestinal bacterial overgrowth) and have to eat a low FODMAP (Fermentable Oligo-Di-Monosaccharides and Polyols) carbohydrate diet to starve the bacteria. Lately I’ve allowed myself those carbs and am paying for it.
Simple Self-Care Got my hair cut today – a simple act of self-care. Took a picture of it, but didn’t like the photo. Hate how I look in photos. Same haircut as my Gravatar, but maintaining the cut helps me…
Sometimes simply taking a bath is a major achievement. Not quite sure when I last bathed or showered – Friday, perhaps? I really can’t recall. Yesterday I actually exercised. Yes, that’s right, I exercised. Worked out with weights, used a…
Just Plain Ol’ Vic dared me to take the Love/Hate Challenge to list ten things I love, ten things I hate, and then nominate ten bloggers to do the same. I pass on nominating ten bloggers, instead using the challenge as blog post fodder.…